Oak seed Squash Breakfast

I purchase two vast oak seed squash toward the start of each week. I microwave the

squash and after that scoop out the delicate fragile living creature and pound it all into a plastic

compartment and refrigerate as it is then prepared to use by the container as I yearning.

My breakfast most loved is : 

1 container crushed oak seed squash

1/3 to 1/2 container soy milk

1 teaspoon spread buds

1/4 teas cinnamon

1/8 teas nutmeg

dash salt and pepper

2 teaspoons chestnut sugar ( or sugar substitution )

1/2 teas vanilla or maple flavor extricate

In a blender transform all fixings until very much blended. It may look a bit

runny, yet after warming it this blend will thicken.

In the wake of mixing fill a dish ( or utilize a microwave safe bowl) and include 3

teaspoons millet grain ( or moved oats in the event that you incline toward ) heat until marginally

bubbly, let cool and appreciate !!

p.s. including 1/2 a crushed banana to the blend in the blender or 1/4 glass

smashed pineapple is decent too !

I trust you appreciate this as much as I do !!

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